Anyone here play runescape? I got a question If there are any moderators of runescape here i have a question? Can you help me i got banned because they said i item scammed but i didnt all i did was put an amount donw and he took it. My account name is 2pacduck can any runescpae moderator here help me out? Please. I sent a ban appeal and they havent answerd for 2days so far. Can any runescape mod help me out? If anyone can get me off of ban to i wil pay 15k in the game to any mod who can get me off and a rune2h.
Ok then i wont bribe I just need some help from any runeacpe mod maby then can check the messeges i sen to them. (2pacduck).
2 days isnt a very long time. They can't handle requests that quickly, you need to give them a little longer.
Ive quit playing runescape now and Ive put my lvl 108 up for sale. lol. It has full phat set and full dragon :0
if you need to get off of a ban, why not sign up a different character to become a mod. then let yourself off of it. you will also become a member for free. just visit
On runescape my name is Stitch331. It used to be Stitch221 but it got hacked so I made a new account.