LadyBlaik13 Skill Rank, Level, XP Overall 244,971 1012 4,182,168 Attack 273,742 65 477,728 Defence 220,831 63 382,955 Strength 272,398 68 606,522 Hitpoints 308,760 65 471,520 Ranged Not Ranked Prayer 332,335 43 54,502 Magic 418,838 53 143,322 Cooking 157,077 66 520,758 Woodcutting Not Ranked Fletching Not Ranked Fishing 118,405 68 650,723 Firemaking 869,250 35 23,085 Crafting 374,860 46 68,641 Smithing 332,860 51 116,265 Mining 337,502 62 334,886 Herblore 154,811 37 29,581 Agility 272,063 37 27,886 Thieving 144,083 51 115,440 Slayer 161,406 38 32,710 Farming 91,884 30 14,624 Runecraft 151,213 40 40,656
in addition to several Runescape thread that have already been closed, we still one currently open: for Runescape, i think one real thread is enough. but a mod will decide soon enough. *edit* and narval, email addresses are not permitted on AD. please remove yours from your sig.
I'm watching this one with each and every updated post. Any nipplehead that gets out of line is wasted. Auslander knows how I feel about these threads and has seen what I do when I get upset.
your wrath is definitely one to be feared, Neph. no pms'ing amazon on steroids could come near matching your fury. ;-)