Running Games Off The HDD

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by bobbbb, Dec 11, 2004.

  1. bobbbb

    bobbbb Member

    Dec 11, 2004
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    New to the life of modding on the XboX but hoping i pick it up quick ;)

    Right anyway, i read the refresher course that seamonkey wrote which woz cool and insightful. But it doesnt answer how you can run games direct from the hdd.

    the plan is to chip the console and flash the BIOS with whichevers best (i'll read up on that later) and install a bigger hdd.

    to get the games on the hdd do i really have to connect the xbox up to the PC (i remember this had to be done with the dreamcast and it took a long long time), cant i just download the games (the ones that i own of course ;) off suprnova or another torrent site? if i can how does the file system work, do i have to make boot files for the game and structure the folders in a certain way or can i just put the folder name of the game and hope for the best?

    having difficulty putting what i mean into words but im hoping some1 has a vague idea of what im talking about :)

    And before any1 complains that this has been written elsewhere on the site, ive had a long hard look, so much so that i had 2 loo breaks to find the info and so far havent found it.

    Thanx to any1 who can help me :)
  2. Quadratic

    Quadratic Regular member

    Nov 19, 2004
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    No matter what you do, you need to connect your Xbox to your PC.

    1) To backup originals, you can't get the files unless you FTP into your xbox.

    2) If you download games off of a P2P network (such as bittorrent), you STILL need to FTP in order to get the game to the xbox.

    3) You could avoid the FTP process in order to backup originals by using DVD2XBOX, but that is only available by putting the folder in your apps section, which you can do ONLY BY FTP!

    So you see my friend, you can't get around it :)

    It's really not as hard as you make it. If you can connect to Xbox Live, then you should be able to FTP into your xbox. Just buy a freakin crossover cable from Radioshack for $10, and if you have a router/hub/switch, use that. Beware you would have to configure your network settings.
  3. bobbbb

    bobbbb Member

    Dec 11, 2004
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    thanx for that info buddy, its much appreciated.
  4. Quadratic

    Quadratic Regular member

    Nov 19, 2004
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    If you don't have a hub/switch/router, then you can buy a NIC/Ethernet card for like $20. I have a D-Link Buscard and it works great.
  5. ozy

    ozy Regular member

    Apr 17, 2003
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    When u say hard drive, do u mean xbox or PC. If you only want to back up games to your xbox hard drive all that is needed is a mod chip, dashboard, and dvd2xbox with a larger hard drive of course. the bigger the better. the only need to network with PC is to make your own copies on disc.
  6. Quadratic

    Quadratic Regular member

    Nov 19, 2004
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    You STILL have to network you can't get DVD2XBOX on there without it.
  7. ozy

    ozy Regular member

    Apr 17, 2003
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    If you use an auto installer I'm sure this app is included with the package. I know for a fact that firefuckers evox disk v1.0 has it but I'm not sure about slayers 2.6.
    But if u don't use one of these auto installers may pay to set the network up. It's quite easy.
  8. Quadratic

    Quadratic Regular member

    Nov 19, 2004
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    Well yeah you could do that as well, but it's still good to have a xbox to pc network.
  9. bobbbb

    bobbbb Member

    Dec 11, 2004
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    think ill just connect my xbox up to the pc, seems to be the best way of doing it. thanx peeps
  10. ozy

    ozy Regular member

    Apr 17, 2003
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  11. Bohefus

    Bohefus Regular member

    Nov 20, 2004
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    worry about one thing at a time, you don't want to rush the job and end up with a 150.00 paper weight.
    1.become familiar with opening your xbox and removing the hard drive,dvd rom drive and the motherboard.
    2.if your going to solder connections on the MB, practice before you do the real thing or go with a no solder solution.
    3.Learn how to burn a bios and dashbord disc correctly.
    4.Get the chip running successfully before you even worry about installing a larger HDD.

    Most downloaded games are in iso form and you will need to extract the iso to files and ftp them to your HDD on your xbox.
    Evox,Avalaunch etc. are setup that if you create a games folder on your E,F or G partition on the xbox hdd, you can then create individual game folders within the main games folder,ftp the game files into these folders and your all set.
    Selecting the games tab within your dashboard will show all the games you have on the hdd.Avalaunch even has a spinning icon of the game next to the name of the title.
  12. bobbbb

    bobbbb Member

    Dec 11, 2004
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    Cheerz for the advice and yup i made a rather expensive paperweight chipping a ps2 once, suffice to say my soldering skills have improved, lol

    just gonna go for the solderless chip, xecuter i think its called. tiz only £22 or something.

    burning a BIOS disc is the only thing im really gonna have to look up.

    But thanks every1 for the advice and taking the time to reply :)
  13. djboogie

    djboogie Regular member

    Oct 26, 2003
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    No you Dont HAVE to connect xbox to a pc to get dvd2xbox on it etc, but it is advantageous to have a nic to pc connection (use a crossover for direct connection, or standard cat5 if you are going via a hub/router)
    I have a very very good network tutorial , written a while ago by "rustydog" pm me if you need it.
    there are at least 8 auto installers out there, all of which have some type of game installer.
    If all you want is apps, and a game installer, then all you need really, is an auto installer
    such as slayers, xbox-hq, xaveirs (I updated the old xavier one) or mine (djboogie insstaller version 1.0, the ONLY installer to include 4 emulators and thousands of roms)
    I have 5 different auto installers including my own. I only have pants dialup, but email me if you want one.
    The newer xecuter chips, with the later versions of cromwell, allow you to flash from a hdd, so if you have a hdd with a bios on it, you can do it that way,
    if not the bios disc is easy enough, just make sure you use media your xbox can read.
    Use a dummy file of around 60mb or so, call it dummy0 ( When I make a bios disc I make 2 dummies, one called one called, and "sandwich" the bios between them)
    get the bios you need (if you are installing a large hdd, make sure its LBA patched for over 137gb support, evtools (evox bios) or xbtools (x2 bios) will patch it for you if you cant find a patched one. when you have a bios image, rename it to BIOS (dont rename to bios.bin or the xbox may read it as bios.bin.bin) burn as a data disc, on a slow speed. If you use discjuggler or stomp recordnow you dont have to alter any settings, with nero you may have to
    once burned, its ready for your xbox.
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2004

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