i posted awhile ago that my dvd bunrer and software wasnt working (clone dvd,anydvd) but magically started again....now i just popped in rush hour 3 to backup and it gets to 53% and says that its copy protected etc etc i dont get it, and anydvd is working on 2 programs it says which would be both disks in there to break the copy protection...can anyone help me or give me advice on what program to get that will work 100% of the time and i dont have to go to computer school to know how to use it also is this going to be a repetitive problem with anydvd/clondedvd? cause i want something reliable and wont have to wonder if itll work or not.....
AnyDVD and CloneDVD are two programs that work 100% of the time when you keep it updated! AnyDVD is constantly updated to break any encryptions that may come out on newer DVD releases. I backed up my copy of Rush Hour 3 with no problem using AnyDVD + CloneDVD! I don't understand why you had a problem with it. Follow this guide: http://webpages.charter.net/bacitup/TheGuides/BACKUP WITH CLONEDVD&ANYDVD.pdf
gets 53% on ripping or burning? like ihoe says is anydvd the latest version, with ripping apps they must be updated all the time is that clone dvd or clonedvd 2? 100% all the time, thats like knowing the future, cant happen. yiou tryed ripping only with new anydvd by its self? i take it your ripping the whole dvd menu/extras too...
As IHoe rightly said, AnyDVD is probably out of date and cannot defeat the encryption on newer movies. You need to update it. I have AnyDVD too, and there has been a single movie I couldn't decrypt. When I did run into copy protection errors I just updated and then I could rip/encode them no problems. What version are you using? If you become unhappy with Clone DVD, try Nero Recode 2. It's has virtually the same features as Clone DVD, except it allows you the set the compression ratio manually and gives more control over removing extras, subtitles, streams, etc.. It's not free (part of Nero) but it's damn good. It uses DVDShrink's codec/algorithm, which is pretty much the best when it comes to reencoding/ripping DVDs.
check this out it opens up nero recode to gaim more quality like dvd shrink had! nice little app! If you use Nero v6, then use AEC Changer v1.0. If you use Nero v7, then use AEC Changer v2.0. http://forum.digital-digest.com/showthread.php?t=72150