Its been 36 hours since my last tobacco cigarette. I quit and would not only like to hear encouragement, but also insults and belittlement for even thinking about having another. My daughter thanks you.
Good Job Man.. Its not easy giving up cigs... I just had one a minute ago and don't feel good about it... as far as insulting you about having another.. I don't think you need that. Your in control of yourself and nothing we say is going to change what you do. So do what you want, but do it with your daughter in mind.
@Deadrum33 ....Congrats for the 36 hours! Come 72 hours, the psysical addiction is over; the psycholigical shit starts. I was thinking of this just this afternoon: In about a week, it will be exacty seven months since I quit. I smoked just over two packs a day on weekdays and just over three on weekends which amounts to about $105.00 a week just for smokes or $420.00 a month times seven months equals $2,940.00 !!!!! The difference in the checkbook begins to show immediately. Now I've got brand new speakers, a couple of new HT components which cigarettes paid for. When I reach a year, minus the cost of my new Equipment, I'll have $2100.00 I've saved also from smoking which will pay for a good chuck of a trip to paris in the spring. So, just think of the cash ... it doesn't matter how much you smoked, it's expensive, not only bad for you! Are you doing anything like patches, nicotine gum or anything like that? Zyban or Wellbutrin? One think I found useful, I went to a rite aid and bought a zillion bags of sugar free life savers, mints and sour lemon drops etc. It kind of help like your daughter and her really helped a lot. Some freudian oral thing, I guess! At first I avoided booze at all cost and places that would have smoke everywhere to tempt me. Slowly but surely all those things went away. THe worst part is that you don't know what to do with yourself. I know it sounds weird but that candy helped more than I can say; when ever I got the urge, I reached for a candy instead. Good luck to you buddy!
aw look at those eyes! how could you possibly let her down? Seriously if you touch another then you are just a waste of oxygen and volume.
I'm 20 years old and I have been smoking for 8 years. I want nothing more than to quit this very moment. Hearing about you guys(Deadrum33 and gerry1) quitting really gives inspiration, but I've tried so many things, nothing seems to work longer than 5-7 days. One method I found to work the longest is carry a pen and some paper with me everyday. I've got the days of the weeks listed. I start on Sunday and each time I smoke a cigarette I mark it down. The next day, I cut down by 2 cigarettes, until finally I get to about 5 a day. Then work from there to zero...I failed on the 5th day and smoked over a half a pack too many because of stress. The patches and gum are too expensive to purchase-so that's out of the question. Both my girlfriend and I want to quit soon because we are planning for kids and I don't like to smoke around children and she can't smoke if she's pregnant. But if only she quit and I still smoke she will go back because of being around me and that can't happen for the baby. Over 90% of my family and friends smoke, so it makes it that much harder to quit. I'll keep my eye on this thread just as I did gerry1's and see if I can get some ideas. BTW, Deadrum33, you're an idiot if you start back. Just a little insult you asked for. Good luck! can get the gum dirt cheap on ebay...actually, the gum is exactly the same price as cigarettes which, I'm sure, is no accident. I quit using them gum. I tried it a couple of times and failed...the directions say one piece per hour. A friend of mine quit and he did it by just chewing a piece whenever he got the urge for a cigarette and screw the directions. Soon the gum chewing slowed because he didn't like chewing gum and I'm the same way. So I tried it and it worked like a charm. One piece of gum per hour didn't do it but when I used them like I smoke ...well, there was something there when I had the urge. I slowly replaced the nicotine gum with sugar free candy and other non nicotine gum. It worked great.
High fives to you, Deadrum! Hang in there. I quit smoking cigarettes last January after 38 years of smoking, the last 10 of which I smoked 3-1/2 packs a day.
I'll look into it, gerry1, after I talk it over with my girlfriend again and hear what she says about it. Never looked on eBay for the gum, just didn't think anyone would be selling it on eBay, but I guess as they say "Whatever IT is, you can find it on eBay." Thanks.
Thanks all for the support, and to answer gerry1, I'm using patches. I can get them free through insurance coverage as incentive to quit. Hasnt been horribly bad yet, the times I usually light up or the times that trigger the need, I just do something else. Example: after a large meal I found myself sitting in the "smoking chair" where I'd normally have a smoke and watch TV. That drove me nuts so I reclined the chair and took a little nap instead. PS... the instructions on the box of patches say not to use while trying to sleep because they may cause vivid and lucent dreams. Doesnt sound like an adverse side effect to me
Hey...whatever works best for you. My doctor didn't want me to chew the gum because it was addicting LOL! How can such educated men have such s**t for brains LOL! It worked like a charm for me because I was a heavy smoker and with the gum, I could sort of up the dose. Unadvised, they say, because of gum addiction, but it worked like a charm for me and just tapered off because I chew like a cow and kept biting myself LOL! Best of luck guy and keep us posted!
i went cold turkey and it worked for five years and thain went back, smoked for four more years, thain quit again cold turkey for five years, guess what started again smoked for three, quit again cold turkey, and so far this time it has been eight years, you need to get it into your head that it is a stinking rotten habit, and you have better things to do with your time thain sitting arround inhailing smoke, one of the things that helped me to quit was to breaking ruteens, like my thing was the first thing i did when i woke up was to smoke a cig, and the last think was to smoke before i went to sleep, so i changed things, did not have a cig untill after breakfast, one other thing that helped me to stop was to smoke my last cig of the pack before i went to sleep, so i would not have any in the morning, another thing you can't think that you can use will power to do this, it will fail everytime, it is like this have you ever tryed to use will power on a case of diarrhea? it don't work dose it that shit is comming out sooner or latter, but the one thing you have to remember is you have to want to quit, and have to be ready, you have to want to want it so bad, that nothing else matters, and after you have quit for about a month you will start to smell how nasty the cig are, good luck your going to need it, also by the way i was a three pack a day user, and just start with small steps just say i will only not smoke for one day , thain one more day, and don't say you will never smoke again cuzz never is forever and that is a long time
Keep up the great work!! Think of how your house, your clothes, yorself will not smell like an ashtray as time goes by. Food & drink will also taste better and as has been said think of the money saved!! All the best!
You're right, it's different for every person I two people are the same. I know a few people who quit by gradually decreasing their number of cigarettes but the not only didn't work for me, it was like I was torturing myself LOL! I think we can all say that we've all quite for varying amounts of time then started again...that could be two months or two years. I too quit for two years got to the point where I hated to be around it, I thought it stunk etc. Then, just one bad day from the depths of hell was all it took! I looked at a friend and grouled like a hound from hell "Gimme a cigarette" LOL! I still remember her face; I think I scared her. It's different this time somehow though; I never even think about it anymore. The one thing, Deadrum, is the energy you get from quitting and you'll need it to keep up with that cute little smile soon enough. It starts as negative don't know what to do with yourself, my brother in law got really mean for awhile, my poor sister was in tears half the time but I was lucky, that didn't happen to me. But that negative energy when you first quite slowly becomes a positive energy if you channel it with stuff you like to do. It's wierd but I'm not content to sit on my a$$ and watch the tube anymore; I now like to be active and doing things ... as much as certain disabilities will allow me: I'm a chronic pain patient from a spinal cord injury 25 years doctor kept telling me it would hurt less when I quite smoking and gave all these medical reasons and he was full of sh** LOL! But you won't regret it Deadrum but even if you screw up guy, don't do this guilt thing, just get up and do it again! On the tube, they say that most people have quit time and time again before doing so sucessfully and I don't know a soul for whom that isn't true. Put the money in your daughter's college fund ... give the money you save a useful purpose. I saved and I'm saving a fortune as I stated before and I'm having a ball with it!
Gratz Deadrum33!! Keep it up & good luck to you! Just remember; :S
@Rav...we all know that's merely a link to what you tried to cook for dinner last night and failed LOL!
do not give me any lip after eating rav's dinner.
I wonder if that would have happened to me. When I smoked, the cigarette always stuck to my lip for some reason ... had to sort of pry it off slowly LOL!'re baby girl has a killer smile that will give daddy lots of headaches some day LOL!
Think about it this way: With the money you will save on cigs, you and your daughter can do A LOT together. You probably smoked enough each year to pay for a trip to Disneyworld. And that's something she will remember for a lifetime! Keep up the good work, man, keep up the good work.
Good advice Dunker....that was the first thing I noticed other than the jitters...a nice BIG difference in my checking account! A huge difference. When she's old enough to appreciate it, hell, you could take her Euro Disney (where the hell is that, anyway?)