Hi, I am having an issue with my Sagem 2xI, after three days it comes up channel not available after a period of time, i have flashed from Sporster 1.75+UK to Commando 7.5 and copied over the keys required but i still have the issue with the Channel Not Available message comming up after a set amount of time, can anyone tell me how to resolve this. Thanks
To clarify it is not three days but i have had it three days, the dbox is saying channel not found, with a can't decode message and LOC in Red, what could cause this,could it be corrupt keys, can i copy the keys from my other Sagem dbox to resovle this. Thanks
When copying the keys over you have to perform a CHMOD 775 on them or they won't update. You can do that through your FTP prog by right clicking on the keys and look for the CHMOD command.
Hi, I CHMOD'D the Keys to &&% but it still does not work, it boots, you can view most channels, some are freezing and then they all begin to freeze and then it says Channel not Available, Screen is black, no sould but the menu says its being decoded.
I disconnected the Internal Modem, is there anything else i can try, reflashed the dbox to Sporster 1.75 UK with Keys and UCodes, anything else i need to move from the copy of the flash i made of the dbox when i got it, thanks