Since I got my Sagem D-box, it hasn't responded properly to the remote control. For instance if I push "1" half the time it will think I'm pushing "2"... it does this for about half the buttons, so navigating the menu's can be something of a nightmare. I've tried another remote with it, which had the same issues so I'm thinking it's the box. I've had a number of images on the box and they have all been the same so I'm pretty sure it's the bit that receives the signal from the remote. I'm thinking it will almost certainly need replacing, but don't know where I'd get another one from! does anyone have a broken Sagem box that had a working remote sensor or anything? Any help to fix this most annoying problem would be much appreciated. Chris.
DBox button -> settings -> misc settings. Set repeat delay and generic delay both to 150. Leave the menues via the home button. If 150 doesn't help try 200 or 250.
Yep, that was the 1st thing i tried. The remote (and batteries) works just fine on my brothers Nokia Dbox.
My mate had the same problem. If you are pressing 1 and it gives a 2 then I imagine it is the remote. A time delay setting would just cause more 1's to appear. I think it is the tracks being misaligned under the remote buttons. My mates would give a 1 if he pressed on tbe very edge of the 1 button. i.e. the 2 "sensor" underneath the rubber mat of buttons has shifted over under the 1 section. I personally would give it a sharp knock on the right side, to try and shift the underlying buttons back over into place. If that didnt work I would open it and do it by hand. My remotes worked fine on my mates dbox The nokia dbox works with a nokia or sagem remote. Unfortunately a sagem only works with a sagem remote. So if buying a spare remote make sure it is going to work on a sagem
Well I've tried 2 remotes on the box, both giving the same results... I cant see it being the tracks misaligned, as if i push blue, sometimes it comes up with volume up and the two buttons are quite far apart! Nonetheless, I might try taking my spare remote apart and see what happens.
if you have 2 remotes do you have 2 boxes? if so try both the remotes on the good box, just to rule out it being the remote. If all is fine I would then backup the image from the OK box and flash it onto the dodgy one. This will rule out hardware settings.
No, I only have the one box, but I suspected the remote first off hence why I got another one to rule it out - I've tried the remotes on my brother's Dbox and they work just fine so I doubt it's the button allignment thingy - especially on both remotes. I've had a bunch of different images on my box and none of them has been any better or worse for the remote problem, including sportster and commando 6 and 7.5
Its a problem with the remote. If I use different remotes at my sagem I get a different behaviour. There are a couple of different premiere remotes for the dbox2 on the market. Try the gemini 4in1 remote from asda. Thats the easiest solution.
my mates was a black generic remote that gave trouble. I had another generic black one that didnt work all that great but no real trouble. All my proper sagem ones are fine, my genuine nokia, and generic nokias are all fine too.
Interesting, it seems that Sagems can be a bit selective with which remotes they work with then... I will try and get another type of remote, maybe try and hunt for a genuine sagem one... And if that doesn't work then it will be the bpx which is at fault lmao.
I have a beige original sagem remote on a black sagem box. Last night I was turning the sound down and it pressed 6 instead. I had noticed something like this before, I used to use vol +/- to scroll along in the EPG event list and sometimes odd things would happen.