hi just got my dbox out of the loft after about 2 years its a sagem dox 2 2x chip running sportster img 1.52. red up on it and the internet said that this is now out of date. i flashed it with a blade trinity img but it wont scan for channels when i go into service scan just get a message up no channels found. is there a image file for tyne and wear gateshead area that will work im flashing it with ifa using the null moderm cable and cross over cable also tried a vergin img with no efect or is there now a patch i have to add thanx
ok flashed with comando 10d enigtrino 2 but cant get sky channels theres a small key at the bottom of the screen when its on i cant get any channels but when its off i can get channels anyone know how to get all the channels i think its got something to do with the keys!!!! i will keep trying unless i get a reply on here thanx any help please
you need to download the latest key and put them in the key folder then chmod the key folder and change to 755
ok does that mean there is say a key for commando 10 and a different one for commando 11 or does the latest keys do all thanx
any idea where i will get the latest keys for tyne and wear area for commando11 much appreciate it.......
well dosent look like ill get help with that one ok can anyone tell me the idiots guide of what file var/keys etc go where and which ones to change to 755 i am now using commando 10 couldnt get into ftp with 11 but, i flashed it with a null, just couldnt get into the boxes files. so now running 10. think iv got all files "real magic" got fta ok but no others as i dont know what file goes where read the instructions on here but still having problems, been on a week trying to get the rest any help would be great thanx
ok what can i say but a big thankyou to all who have posted on here about the dbox. i am now up and running its took nearly a week of reading the posts on here but if you dont give in you will get there. this box has been in the loft for about 18 to 24 months and thought it was now out of date because i seen a load of help and information about a starview box? what the f--- is that i wonderd i still dont know and for now i dont need to know. i will keep poping in because i feel that i was,nt up to date with this sort of box. if anyone reads this post and needs help leave a message here and i will help you all that i can because its a bitch at first but when youv done it once or twice youll be wondering w t f was all that about. thankyou allxxxx
Hi All bubbass is your dbox for sat or cable cause i bought a sagem dbox2 about two years ago from germany it is set for astra19 i realy need a little help with this box
sagem dbox is it a 1xchip or a 2xchip youl need to know to flash the correct image into it also have you ever connected your box up to your computer before, or is this your first time you will need a ethernet crossover cable about 2.00 to 3.50p to flash the image to the box using ifa program, you will probably also need a null modem cabel too just incase you nack it up as this will put it back to the start to try again, keep reading up on here to find out if its a 1 x chip or a 2 x chip and i will keep looking back
cheers it has two chips in it i have both cables tryed connecting to it a couple of times but every time the computer could not connect thanks again for the quick reply i am a bit of a rookie at this thing
this is how i did it down load commando 10 you will also need flashfxp softwear and dbox2 image-flashing assistant thats both softwear you will need, flashfxp is for transfering files from your pc to the box (thats the crossover ethernet cable) and the dbox2 ifa flashes the image this case commando 10 into the box. now you need the ip address of the box and write it down press dbox scroll down to network press ok and you will see the ip address starts something like 192.162.something.something, now connect your cables to your dbox to your pc, dont switch your dbox on yet. making sure your both cables are connected, on your pc click start,control pannel, network connections,right click on your local area connection, scroll down to properties,and click it, scroll to internet protocol(tcp/ip) click on it and then click into properties underneath, this should bring another box up where it says obtain an ip and underneath says use the following you need to click (use the following). now click your mouse onto ip adress bar and type in the address you wrote down ie 192.168.something.something but the last number is going to be one less "ie" if you wrote down 192.168.345.200 you would need to type in 192.168.345.199 this is just a sample of what to type. go to the one underneath that says subnet mask and just click on it this should put the numbers in automatically, sould come up like click ok at the bottom of that page and close everything you are now ready to flash the box. connect both cables open up the program dbox assistant click next then it will say scan this is where you put the commando image click scan and find the image and click on it this will put it into the no1 box go to box no 2 and select p s miniport go to stage 3 and click yes it will then say select a com click com1 you shold get another box ontop of another that says start, dont put the power supply to your box yet, click start count to about 12 then power on the dbox should get loads of jiberjab writing up on tv. leave it go make a coffee it will say when its finnished you will get a box up in german click ok this will close the program off thake the cables out of the box and power the box back up connected to the tv if its flashed you should see comando 10 come up on the tv this means you have flashed the box, do a scan and the free channels should come on sometimes you got to wait 10 min or so i will tell you how to get the rest but see if you can flash the box first as im falling asleep best of luck bubbass.........
sorry been out for a while, but considering you are using a 2x image you can download a image from here, Sportsters1.73(2x).img type it into google and look for sportster or trinity quad when you get onto rapidshear click use free and the clock will start to tick down to 0 when it does click on the file to download and put it on your desktop m8