Hi, Ive got a SAGEM DBOX. Sorry for being a pain and starting a new thread, but im new to this. Could somebody go through the required steps for GETTING BACK THE MOVIE CHANNELS. Thanks a lot.
Im hearing stuff about 're scanning' but im not really sure how to do that. Also ive lost some of the sky sports channels.
Pretty simple. Need to press dbox key. Access services and then scan for channels. Takes some time depending on what image you are using. Most of the channels are hidden becauae of pin numbers. So you for example Sky Premier = Sky PremHid.
No Youve misunderstood me. Ive forgotten my pinnumber for my DBOX. I had parental lock on, but i foolishly forgot the 4 number pin number which is required to access 'services' and 'parental lock.' Is there any way of getting round this or perhaps doing some kind of master reset, bearing in mind i cant access services as i have it locked
Just a bit of a guess really but maybe you can do this through the web interface if your DBox is on your network: i.e. or what ever in a browser.
- I realised the password was the same as last time and that i had never changed it! -Did a rescan (long) -Got the channels back, including ones where the epg was locked such as film 4 and NASN - Thanks alot.