Hi folks, I hope I can explain this problem well enough for all to understand. Basically I got a Sagem DBOX (1x version) back in December and everything worked fine until about 6 or 7 weeks ago when the following started to happen. 1. Audio would simply drop out completely and required a reboot of the box to resolve the problem. 2. Audio would drop out and then multiple reboots would be required as the audio would not restore once reboot was complete. 3. Picture completely freezes requiring reboot. Reboot would sometimes restore the box but sometimes not. I believe the problem is down to the hardware and I have been in contact with the chap from Gewrmany who has been very helpful but is unsure as to what the problem may be. The audio dropping out and the number of reboots is very inconsistent. For example, i could use the dbox for a week and it would work fine, other days i'd be lucky to get a minute of tv then it would lose sound / freeze. I have tried changing the UCode on the box but this was unsuccessful. I have also tried 3 differennt Neutrino Sportster images but again it has made no difference. Currently i am running the following version: Cyro Sportster Pro 1.02 Ultra and this is the most reliable of the images i have tried. If anyone has any suggestions to what the problem may be or how to resolve the problem it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks folks
Maybe your box get too hot. Disable standby in the misc settings and unplug your box over night after shuting down. A more way extension lead with switchable sockets would be a good idea.
I have done extensive testing on DBox and I found the Pacino image with MgCamd as the most stable, before I had this image running the Sporster it used to freeze or crash ever day since I flashed the Pacino image on, it has never crashed and never freezes PM me and I can send you the image for you to flash onto your box.
Thanks for the replies, As for the box getting hot this has been looked at. Had the box unplugged for a couple of days and once it was turned back on it came on with no sound so it proved to rule overheating out. Will try zappp64 suggestion once I get a hold of the image. Cheers