my sagem box (x1) won't work at all. every time i plug it in, it loads up with sporster image and on the lcd displays various info...bmon...etc and thats it. the display disappears, no image, nothing. i can't access anything system info. when press d-box on remote, nothing comes up on the screen. i can't flash it as i don't have system info like ip-address which i need to flash the box. can anyone advice me on how to fix it or point to any threads on the forum. i have gone through most treads related to d-box but did not come accross any which discussed problem like i have. please help will be most appreciated. thankyou kash
ok. i managed to flash it sportster image but it is set austrian cable/service provider. i looked into most key/tuxbox/ and various other files and there were nagrarom files. how do set up this sagem 1chip dbox2 to u.k. cabl system? tia kash
thanks paul, i found "lacky-pro-1 1ximage AU function updated" i hope its the right one. the other one i came accros is Fixed Pacino trilogy. i'll flash it lacky-pro 1st and hope it fixes the problem. only other question i have, is do i update the box with all 3 nagrarom files i.e, 7,10,11? tia kash
Thanks again Paul. After flashing the lacky-pro-1x image and scanning channels, i kept getting "epg not found" and "waiting for time". I fixed it by pressing the blue buttton on the remote and selected system info, which got me into EMU selection. I pressed OK on evocamd RESTART and then (same menu) selected ucodes, where i pressed OK on all ukcodes which rebooted the box and got all the channels up and running. feel happy now. thanks to all the folks partipating in this forum for the help and sharing their ideas. i fixed 4 boxes for freinds and relatives. thanks again Paul best rgds kash
kash987 i wish everone was like you.i think its important that when people sort out a problem that they let others know how they sorted it , because it helps people in the same boat. well done mate.