I recently got a Sagem DBOX 2 when I try to flash it .. It fails each time im using a cross over cable. When I ftp the box I can see the directories and files but when I go to drop an image file into the box it fails yet I was able to ftp a file from the dbox to my pc .. It took a very long time it was going at 1.1 kb, has anyone else come across this problem. Also when I scan from cannels it find 155 plus channels but when I go to view the channels it comes up no epg. Anyone help please?
what connection speed does it say it has on the LAN, should appear when you highlight it near the clock. Could be a dodgy cable or some network setting. Have you tried another FTP package, I used filezilla on by sagem
this is the message i get when i use windows xp to ftp to the box http://img239.imageshack.us/img239/5199/ftperrorim6.jpg
The connection comes up 10mb at the bottom right when connected Ive tried using FlashFXP FTP program but still no joy pulling my hair out with it... There is a commando image on it its finding lots of transponders and channels , but when i try to view the channels it comes up epg not found .. is there a way of completely resetting the box and starting from scratch
Box IP and IP of the pc network card must be in the same logical network. The first 3 numbering ranges must be the same. 192.168.0.x for instance if the network mask is The last number must be different for box and pc and 0 and 255 for the last number are reservated for system usage. Userid is root and password is dbox2 . The latest commando 7.5 is using commando as password.
mgb17 there is a team commando image on it ? im not sure what version it is though i will try commando as the password later, with a bit of luck that will be the resolve Unkle77
Does your free to air channels work?, try going to rester EPG , And change the CAM. Also Make sure your Cable feed is secure at the back of the Dbox.
Try a other ucode version. 001A for instance. There should be a hardware settings menue in the blue button range. Reboot your box after a ucode change.
mgb17 Im on nt-hell in dublin is there a special Ucode for that area ?? Tanx for ur help; il try 001A later
Ucode is the firmware for a dbox chip and should match the specific box. You have to check out by yourself which one is the best for your box. The dboxes are simply different.
Mgb17 Your a certified legend : D, the problem was that commando was the password ..case closed tanx to all that replied Unkle77