hello, i bought a dox2.after scanning for channels a few times my dox re booted for no real reason.now when i start it up i get the start up screen on the lcd screen on the dbox then nothing.its very strange. iv been told it probably just needs re flashed but i dont know how to do that. can anyone help as this is driving me mad. many thanks.
You'll need a cross over Ethernet cable and preferably a null modem cable too to reflash. Then you'll need a new image and a program called IFA (both can be found by Google searches) PM me and I'll send you a How To guide. It was on the net somewhere but I've lost the link...
thanks.iv already got an ethernet cable n think i also have a nul modem cable as well. someone on another forum i use sent me sportster x2 image.my dbox has 2 intel flash chips. ill send a pm for the guide.thanks.
having a bit of trouble downloading IFA. tried from here http://netwave.redirectme.net/dbox/ifa/ but it keeps timing out without downloading.
Try http://techno-source.co.uk/phpbb , it has IFA on the Download drive , along with a bunch of the latest images. Just havce to sign up and thats even free
Simply use the official download page from the IFA coder. http://www.dboxservice-hallenberg.de/freedownloads.php
all seems to have went well. the screen on the box as come up "fertig" with lots of smiley faces.is the process done.do i now switch off the box and disconect?