hi im new 2 this forum and was just asking 4 some hellp. i have a sagem d box2 which is 1 month old and it has stoped working. it will not load, it says loading but dose not progress, before it would say loading then it would boot up. do i need 2 reflash the box? can any one hellp me thank you
I reckon your box might be in Kein Mode but im not sure how you can fix that. Can anyone help out with this please asap. Thanks.
yes all the box says is Kein system i do not know how 2 re flash the box and i do not know how 2 get the software can any one hellp thanks
http://netwave.redirectme.net/dbox/ifa all application and instructions what needs to be done on that web site all you need is a valid image for the dbox
i have went 2 the link but i do not have a valid image for the dbox i have lost it on the box. i did get a cd with it but it is not on ther or it might be onther in a diferent format. i have a sagem d box 2 - 1 chip. i have looked throug the top grill. can any one hellp me im also looking 4 sportster and a valid image for the dbox thank you ps i tryed world of digital but link is not there.