trying to flash a sagem dbox2 with commando 6 image using crossover cable and ifa.when i try to flash with ifa ,dbox boot manager opens and says "ping failed", nothing happens in the the ifa log box. the lcd display on the dbox displays the message "image flashing assistant". should these two programs be running together.the dbox already has an image on it,commando 3, but does not work, no picture anybody out there that can help me, thanks
if you have a good box then flash it without using IFA go to - and select from left hand side flashing without ifa I find only use IFA if you box is totally buggered, if your box is working then you can copy the image to the box and flash using the remote control.
are you using a null modem cable as well? if not found found that this helped, very rarely get problems flashing using IFA with it connected
I always now use a cross-over cable and null modem cable as well but before i used to just use a cross-over. Using both is best way.
Once it does that mate hold off for about 10-20mins see if anything happends, because this can sometimes happen. It justs takes a little time to kick in. either that or you try doing through ftp buddy prob better if you aint got Keinsystem all the best PS if your needin help flashing through ftp then just post here and il try help ya through it
thanks for the reply flashed the sagem with commmando 6 image. i was clicking yes for null modem cable instead of no. beginners mistake. is there any guides on how to ftp the temp file over to my pc so i can back up the bouquets, because i need to ftp these files to another box i have for a friend causethe programs when scanned in are in a mess. do i just need a crossover cable to ftp or do i need a null aswell. thanks
Simple cross over cable will do the trick. you must set your ip of the comp 1 higher than the actual box for instance if the box is set your comp to , other than that use Flashfxp and away you go.