hi i wanted to know how easy it was to debug a dbox 2. i have read the guides but i mean practically and what are the chances of messing it up while debugging. how much should be paid for a sagem that needs to be debugged. thanks
i payed £103 for my box deliverd and had to putit in debug mode you will need to get a null modem and a reversed network cable or sumthing lol to debug mine i had to get a bit of wire and conect 3 points together useing safty pins and masking tape. this took several go's as i was conecting the wrong points but there are pitures on how to do it i just did not look at them close enth. i also electracuted my selth in the arm which scared me but there u go. (u will also need some 1 to enter the command when u conect the points or be good at soldering. But it just depends on what box u get and how easy it will be GD luck