Samsung SC-D353 Batteries

Discussion in 'Digital camcorders' started by mmalyszko, Jul 2, 2005.

  1. mmalyszko

    mmalyszko Regular member

    Dec 29, 2004
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    I have received my camcorder about 2 days ago and of course the batteries that come with them are garbage, it says approximate battery running time is 2hr, but actually the battery lasts for 1hr. Does any one have this camcorder and actually has a better battery for this camcorder that will actually last for like oh maybe 3 or 5 hours. The battery that I have is a SB-LSM80, its very small, and im getting tired of looking around websites and at stores. Some websites say that a SB-L220 will fit, but i believe my uncle has the same battery and i think its a bit wider and bigger and it wouldnt fit in my camera. HEEEEELP
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2005
  2. mmalyszko

    mmalyszko Regular member

    Dec 29, 2004
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    anyone knows what kind of battery is compatible with this camcorder, because i've looked around websites and stores and i got nothin. PLEASE HELP
  3. Gemini18

    Gemini18 Member

    Jul 10, 2005
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    Hye guys, I have a question too about this camcorder. I recently got it at Circuit City and one day, I was using playback when all of a sudden a sign popped up and it wouldn't allow me to record or play my videos. The sign meant to "reattach the battery" and I tried that...MANY times. I gave up after awhile and returned it to Circuit City and exchanged it for another one. Tonight, it gave me the same sign. I'm so pissed. I tried looking for answers to why it won't work when I reattach the battery. Maybe one of you know but I doubt it. If you don't know, is there a specific place I can go to find this specific answer perhaps? Thanks.

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