I have just replaced a Thompson Drive with a SD-616T which I modded. Previously I had installed DVDx ver1 and all I had to do was to to M$dash and the DVD would play any Region. Now with the Samsung it displays "Invald DVD Region" . I have tried to Re-patch with DVDx vers 1.0, but it says dash already Patched. Any Ideas ??????? DVDx ver2.0 works (Dongle Free), but I have the remote, and they dont work with vers DVDx Ver2.0
Sorry, Its not the new DVD drive, its the fact that I tested a different region DVD in the new drive..... but previously ( 3 months ago ) the M$ Dash got upgraded to a Live version, and hadnt used a diferent region in it since then. Anyway, here is a link for the latest Patch for the multiregion DVD with Dongle . http://dwl.xbox-scene.net/~xbox/xbox-scene/tools/xbexbx/Xboxdash_DVD_Region_Free_Patch_v1.04.zip