ok, I just bought the samsung SE-S164, plugged it in usb, plugged power, updated it with the firmware as directed on the box. I try to burn a dvd and it fails when writing lead in at 1% & the error is that reset accured, I have tried almost everything and cant find much about this writer on the net could someone help me plz? maybe someone has had a similar experience?
I just got my burner today an found you thread when searching after this problem. I have the same problem. I cant burn dvd's. CD-R works, but not dvd. I have tried both Nero and Alcohol att all the different speeds the writer handles, no luck. Im using TDK DVD-R as media.
i found the problem, I needed to get new usb 2.0 drivers for my motherboard. its working fine now. hope this may help u
thans for the advice but i cant seem to find an updated driver for USB 2.0 to my mother board. Its a Shuttle SB81P and it only redirects me to Windows Update.