Ok , so ive got a sata hd and want to use it on the xbox.only 1 problem...XBOX IS IDE! Any Suggestions on where i can get a converter that converts sata to ide and plugs into my 500 gig drive . is this possible.ive been lookin for 2 days. no luck.Can som1 point me in the right direction? P.s. my xbox is softmodded
Google is your friend ask him questions he knows all.... http://www.addonics.com/products/io/adsaide.asp http://www.cooldrives.com/satoidecofor.html http://www.cooldrives.com/saidecomisat.html
Google is great for finding the actual components, I have not seen such a device but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Also I would like to point out that the largest hard drive capacity supported by the xbox is 137GB (or more specifically 137,438,953,472 bytes) This limitation is enforced by the fact that the xbox IDE chipset uses 28 bit LBA (logical block addressing). Although Maxtor and a few other companies have recently released a new standard which utilizes 48 bit LBA, the LBA bitdepth used is a function of the CHIPSET, and Unfortunately, 137GB is all the xbox will ever support. No future BIOS update can change this fact. But as this project illustrates, there is a way of moving beyond the 137GB barrier on the xbox. Another thing to note is that there are no 137GB drives. If a drive larger than 137GB is used on a controller that only supports 28 bit LBA, the total drive size will be cut off at 137GB
dude you sound like an idiot i have 300 GB HD in one of my xbox's and get all of it, the new bios's and unleashx will format a G Drive and let you use whatever you want....where have you been for the last 2 years this was fixed a long time ago..
i was lookin on the xbox hd compatiblity chart but couldnt find out if my drives were compatible.Can any 1 tell me if these 2 drives will work for softmodding xbox without mod chip Seagate 500 gig model st3500641as or seagate 400 gig st3400832ns
if its new they wont be on the charts, just use xboxhdm and try it, if it doesnt work its only what an hour wasted?