I was having prbs getting the DS to save my files. I am currently using a M3, and micro SD. The files have all been patched and run perfectly. After each game is played and the ds is shut down, upon rebooting there is always a warning message saying the the previous game save file can't be found or something. I was wondering if anyone could help me out with this prb?
Check to see if there is a NDSSAVE directory on your card, and if there is a .dat file with the exact name of thr ROM filename, if there is not, that will be why it's not working.
I didnt realize I needed to make a folder with the directory that just might be it. Also the roms should include the .dat file??? what if there isnt one? can one be created with the game manager?
The .dat file is the savefile, the gamemanager should create it when it patches and copies the game to your media card.