Hi: I am playing RA & RAM files from internet. But I cannot save these files on HD and play it at a later time. Is there a software that saves as it plays these files on HD? Thanks Alan
To save a "ra" or "ram" to your hd, I use a program called Sound Capture. As you play the file Sound Capture saves it as an MP3. Works great for me. Another thing, I find is that a "ram" file is just a shortcut to the original song so you should not save them for a period of time as it could become no good. I've done that with some "rams" and then found that the shortcut was no longer available. The best thing to do with a "ram" is to convert it immediately.
Streaming media recording software list. http://p084.ezboard.com/fstreemeboxvcrfrm7.showMessage?topicID=1.topic Be sure to read the other FAQ's and other info on that site