Greetings all, I have been attempting to backup a few of my game saves for use on my R4 and am running into an issue, it doesnt seem like the R4 can read or recognize the save data files. (Specifically the titles I am trying to backup are Animal Crossing: Wild World, and Pokemon Diamond). Is there something I am supposed to do to convert the files for usage on my flash card ? Both files are 512kb. And they are named identically to the backup roms filenames. Help :U ?
How are you making the sav files? Are you starting the game, and saving the game then downloading the sav file off your R4 or are you downloading sav files offline? Sometimes when you download sav files offline there might be a slight change in the file name, a space or uppercase letter when there should be a lower case letter. I know that some of my sav files for games are sometimes named slightly different then the rom. For example, the rom name is all lower case, but the sav files is all upper case letters. Do all the files hav a .sav in the file name? Some games won't read the sav file without an extension on it. If you are downloading a sav file, then I would just replace the file name of the downloaded sav file with the one your rom made so there is no way the name can be different, and then copy it over on the flash card. After that, I'm out of ideas....
I am making all of the .sav files using savsender directly from my own cartridges. And yes, I have the extension .sav at the end of my saves. I thought about this myself, so I physically copied and pasted the exact name of the rom to over the name of the .sav file with the same result, the R4 either says that the .sav is corrupted, or it recognizes it, but the game itself does not register a prior save game exists (i.e. New Game is all that is selectable in the menu of the games)
Only thing I could think of is a bad rom then.. Not much help, but try a different rom of the game and see if they works. Was there any trimming done to the rom that might of messed up the rom?
I guess I can try diffrent versions of the rom, or even try to transfer the rom via the wifi backup tool that was released recently(ish).
Nope, even after directly ripping both the Rom and the .Sav file from my cartridge to my R4 it states that the sav file is bad/corrupt. Same result from both Pokemon Diamond and Animal Crossing. Any help is appreciated !
Please Don't Ban Me Try to download the game you are ripping and see if that works, then you will know that it's something happening in the ripping on the game, and not the R4.
Attempted this. The game itself has always run fine, the R4 just wont recognize any .sav files that I rip from cartridges.
I've read that ripping a sav file from a cartridge is not always effective on newer games, maybe there is an updated way to get the sav file?