Hi, I'm having some trouble with savsender and there's really not a lot of information on it that I could find to help solve my problem. Okay, I'll go in order... The first problem I encountered was that it could not connect to the AP. Therefore, it failed. I then opened my ports (which I had forgotten to do.) I set up the wifi settings using Mario Kart from my M3 Simply and saved them. I used a static IP and tested the connection. It established fine. I created the config file as "savsender.conf", with the format 192.168.*** 5000 I then created a folder titled "DATA" and in that, "Settings", where I put the conf file. I patched savsender-1.1.nds with the R4 DLDI and put it on the root of my card. I go to command prompt after putting "nc.exe" on my desktop and type in "cd desktop". Then I type in "nc.exe -l -p 5000 > output.sav" and hit enter. I get a blinking cursor. I then turn on my DS Lite, with the M3 Simply in and go to Game - where I click on "savsender-1.1.nds". It asks if I want to create a save file. I click ignore and it boots up. It says "Welcome to savsender 1.1!" and that's it. The right light is blinking - I assume that's looking for a way to connect to my router. I have no idea what to do as it doesn't do anything further. No other text is displayed and it NEVER says "Cannot connect to AP" anymore. Any help would be greatly appreciated. -Kegan *- I'd really like figuring this out, because I have a Pokemon Pearl save on rental that I NEED because I don't want to start over. Everyone will tell me to use Pokesav, but since I can't get that to work...I'd prefer to figure it out this way. Thanks again.
What do you mean try making the save file, instead of ignoring it? Using Pokesav? I tried multiple times and couldn't figure it out. So if you could help me, it would be greatly appreciated. -Kegan
Oh yeah, I ended up trying that and it didn't seem to work either. This is getting frustrating and I can't seem to find any other material on the internet on it. -Kegan
Thanks for the help anyway. I'm considering trying to setup wifi, with an ORIGINAL game, as opposed to doing it through a backed up game on my M3 Simply. I don't know if it will make a difference, but it's worth a shot as I've also tried DSFTP and it can't seem to connect to the Access Point. Starting to think that it's just my DS not being able to connect to my router for some reason. Will post back results as soon as possible. -Kegan
Good idea i dont think theres a differance tho. tryu ds live weather. that should tell you if its your comp, or your ds. i think its your comp/router btw. do online games work? oh, and have you set up the port forwarding?
That's the strange thing. I can connect online to games. My ports are forwarded, but it can't seem to connect to my router. But if it can connect to online games, then it must be connecting to my router right? -Kegan
Well, I got a new DS and at least it gives me an error. It says it can't connect to the AP and it aborts. That's at least some progress. I guess there's nothing left for me to do since it doesn't work. Thanks anyway, Kegan