Hey guys! We have a new member named "Grumlenz". I found him lurking about in the Receivers and Amplifiers forum where he was clearly and intelligently answering people's questions (imagine that LOL!) I know this thread is a bit unorthodox but what the hell, we need help there (forgive my selfish motives Grum). After a couple of PMs, he seems like a great addition to this lunny bin so please say hello so that he feels welcome and sticks around. Thanks guys!
Hello Grumlenz and welcome to AD! I lurk around them parts myself and look foward to "seeing" you around!
Hi Grumlenz. Have a lurk in here! You'll find we're not as mad as some say! I normally hang around 'Nero Discussion' so if you have any questions in which i can help pop around!
Welcome Grumlenz. Beware of gerry1; sometimes his medicine's not working! Just kidding gerry. You'll be as crazy as everyone else here in no time.
OH NO!!! How did you know, Garmoon? I take my anti-psychotic medication religiously and it still shows? (drooling all over my keyboard and foaming at the mouth) I'll have to fire that no good shrink!
At a scientific research convention one researcher remarks to another, "Did you know that in our lab we have switched from lab rats to managed care Senior Member reviewers for our experiments?" The other asked, "Why the switch?" "Three reasons," he replied, "First we found that these Senior Member reviewers have become far more plentiful, second, the lab assistants don't get so attached to them, and thirdly there are some things even a rat won't do. However, sometimes it's hard to extrapolate our test results to human beings."
Hey everyone, thanks for the warm welcome! This is an awesome sight/forum, I look forward to helping out where I can, I have already gotten some great help here myself. Just wanted to say to everybody and I will be "seeing" you all around the forums! Thanks!
Welcome to our little corner of cyberspace. Let the hazing begin!!!!! (Thats what Y'ALL did to me). But I deserved it, nevermind scratch that.
grumlenz: Welcome aboard matey!!! Most of all I have learned is from here at AD, but that isn't a whole lot, LOL You can find me at the dvd shrink/dvd+/-r for newbies/Dvd-r media/dvd+/- drives and a few other odd places.
What's up Saugmon, I think you have already helped me out in the DVD Burning related forum areas. That's what brought me to AD was trying to find out about that stuff. I've learned a lot from you and others, hope to learn more! Thanks! Hello to everyone else as well, thanks for the welcomes!
I don't remember that thread. I'll have to look it up. I first started burning dvds I went to doom9 and printed off the instructions and that was very complicated.After looking for some answers,they led me to here where I have been for well over a year and a half. Keep an eye on the Dvd-r media forum for the weekly sales thread. We can save some money on future media purchases, LOL I'm from around columbus ohio,USA. Where abouts are you from?
I live in western Colorado, I just bought some Verbatim Inkjet Hub Printables off SuperMediaStore and I am very happy with the price and service and shipping and all. I'll probably go through them in the future unless something better comes up, nobody local sells hub printables. I don't remember exactly what it was you helped me with but I do remember your name and your little green dancing thing, ha. I will probably be spending most of my time on AD in the DVD Shrink/Nero/Media sections and in the Audio/Receivers. Pretty much everything I do for DVD burning, I learned here from various guides and input and I think I have a pretty good system down now. Getting consistent 97-98% burns! I'm sure I'll have some more stuff come up that I will need you expertise for. Take it easy!
Local full hub printables: Office Depot,look for their maxell buy 1/get 1 free specials and they have verbatim. I've never seen the full hubs on sale there. In a pinch-Super Walmart carries Maxell full hubs but you gotta watch out for the taiwanese spindles, UGGH! I just checked out some of your posts and you are very polite, mellow,and straight to the point. You use the same programs as I do,dvd shrink/nero/and anydvd so we'll keep a close tab on each other, LOL. Burn on!