Sceneit Interactive menus

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by dbknox, Jan 12, 2007.

  1. dbknox

    dbknox Member

    Jan 17, 2005
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    My grandson got "SceneIt the DVD game" for Christmas, like all young kids today he does not put the disk back in the box when he is finished playing the game. I thought I would make a backup copy for him.
    I have anydvd and clonedvd. I first ripped the copy to my hard drive using anydvd and then burned the resulting file with clonedvd2.
    Most of it works except for the first interactive menu ( how to play, play the game,preset gameplay etc.) To start the game playing I have to hit the "next" button 3 or 4 times. Then most of the interactive menus work until the one called "final cut" where you have to pick a number between 1 and 3, if I hit the play button it gives me a question and then when the timer is finished it gives the answer and asks if I got it right "yes or no" I can't select yes or no. I have three DVD players a diamond, a GE and a panasonic no luck on any of them.
    I have done a search on the forum but I just couldn't figure out how to phrase it. Any help will be greatly appeciated.
  2. rdmercer1

    rdmercer1 Active member

    Nov 11, 2004
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    after you ripped the disk with anydvd, you might try using dvd shrink and do a whole disk, also what would be a good thing to get are, d-skins! you buy them at like walmart and best buy, video stores, it is a cover that goes over the dvd so the disk won't get scratched, and yes you can leave the skin on and play the disk, is a real good investment, good luck
  3. dbknox

    dbknox Member

    Jan 17, 2005
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    Thank you rdmercer1 for that bit of advice, I have not heard of "d-skins", they sound like the way to go.
    When my grandchildren come again to visit I will try using DVDshrink. At one time it was my only means of making backups, until I bought Clondvd2 and Anydvd.
    It will be some time before I get around to your "fix" as we are going on a holiday.

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