My School has blocked nearly any good site on the net .. so there is nothin to do wen im bored in I.T .. iv heard there are sites that u can go to and then theyre will be a adressbar and u type anysite and it will go through the block.. does any1 kno any other that ? plz help
internet blocks are put there for a reason. in don't know of any site that can do that. i don't even think it is possible. it would need to be able to change your systems settings. i doubt like i say. if it is possible. if you need to go on a site for legit reasons ask your system administrator to take that perticular site off of the block list
its not enabled througt internet properties .. the security is run like with the internet sorta .. i kno gets throught anything on skool computers.. but now its made that u hav to register and stuff
look .. any site worth looking at is blocked.. and practicly every flash game site is blocked .. even ffs this site tell ur how to overcome the block. works on the bess firewall at my school there are a few more on my site in my sig. here is the link
i know! my friends and i used to play areound with this stuff all the time at school.. there are a couple of sites i remember..
ahh thanks Alien . .the Proxify 1 worked well... the otehrs didnt open some flash games on some sites :S prixify works well .. ill try ti tomroow .. i got IT anyways