I know that there are some intelligent young folks in these forums, like Lethal B and Auslander, but I read these posts by folks who seem to have no friggin clue what punctuation is, and being as old as I am, I have a rough time understanding what they are asking. I do drop in and help when I can, but I am afraid I am going to get booted, because I would really like to post, asking what the fusk part of school did they not attend.
wells i gots to ! go at the school: of] remidial? mi grammer i;s V. Good() Pisses me off too, I say stupid crap, but I say it so people can read it.
I will diffiently agree with you here. Even though my spelling is not great i know how to write a sentence so people understand me.Somethings I read here make no sense or i dont get what people are asking..
Totally agree with you Gr.BW. Even if kids didnt use commas and semi-colons (spelling?) the least they could do is throw a period in there every once in a while to separate their thoughts and make reading their posts easier. I mean really how lazy to you have to be to not hit the "." key!!?
It makes them feel better that they can post like an Ub3R 1337 H4x0R. Come on, I'm 14, and I at least have the decency to post legible writing.
I just wonder how many people ever enable, or link a spell checker to a browser. My mozilla/netscape5 type thing (that's what one of the sigs on this page says it is.. wrong actually but who cares) has one.. I don't ignore them.. I report them. There is a rule about posting in a real language which can be understood by all. It's common decency. If you expect an answer to a question at least have the decency to inspire the respondent with the confidence of knowing you can understand, nay, comprehend an intelligent and well worded answer. There is always the fallback with the determined moron of a reply containing heaps and heaps of techno-geek-speak, and laughing quietly at the obvious ?????WTF????? type silence. Age is an advantage here. Life skills are gained from experience and cannot possibly be taught in a classroom. Quite possibly a very alien place to a lot of these 1337 m0r0n5. The one worrying aspect of this kind of low self esteem is it seems to be contagious. One does it, they all do it. Is that how they are now educated (or more likely since you aren't allowed to enforce any kind of discipline or learning on the milk and cookies molly-coddled generation,) UN-educated to present themselves? If so and they are the majority the human race can kiss it's technology goodbye within 4 generations. I don't care.. I will be dead and buried by then, taking my knowledge with me.
Last week, the U.S. government released some statistics on education; one of them stated the just short of one third of graduating high school students can't read their diploma. So too, the organization I work for has a department that helps graduating high school seniors find work. Federal law requires that we administer basic skills testing; the average reading score of recent high school graduates is the fifth grade. That is really scary. Also, my friend Jim has been teaching creative writing at Temple University for many years; he maintains that for the last fifteen of those years, its become a "creative writing" course in name only...he says that he spends the semester teaching fifth grade grammar. Education in the U.S. is in a sorry state of affairs. When I was a kid (back in the ice age), if you weren't able to perform at the goals of the grade, you were kept back to repeat the year. Not anymore; they claim its psychologically harmful to keep kids back. What a bunch of crap.
I think It's even more harmful to let kids out in the world with no skills. If I'm held back I know I need to get smart or I'm screwed in life.
Right now it's more like "Your kid is special, he's is making progress, I do not think it will be nessecary for him to repeat the grade." instead of "Your kid is a dumbass, he's not going to survive anywhere if let this retard out into the world." I think the schools should scrap the councellers and bring in drill sergants. (Drill sergents that graduated college more than 15 years ago...) I grew up (and still am) learning to double space after a period, double space after a colon, and single space after a comma. Nowadays it's if you decide to use any punctuation, you have to use that symbol more than four times, and preferably no spaces. And don't get me fricken started on capitalization: When I grew up we learnt like this. When,,, this generanfdtion grewed up// theyed's learntded like tish!!! Remember in grade five you had to earn your 'pen lisence' we should do that but with keypads and keyboards. You have to proove you can type marginally better than a monkey on a type writer. I'm not even asking for people to post intelligently, I'm just asking for people to display their stupidity in ways we can read without getting a headache. ~edit Oh noes Im teh onli person beloww ssenor member here!!!!!!?!?
good morning heres a ie spell checker as i use it all the time.. FOR AGES 0 TO 100 ieSpell - A Spell Checker for Internet Explorer Introduction ieSpell is a free Internet Explorer browser extension that spell checks text input boxes on a webpage. It should come in particularly handy for users who do a lot of web-based text entry (e.g. web mails, forums, blogs, diaries). Even if your web application already includes spell checking functionality, you might still want to install this utility because it is definitely much faster than a server-side solution. Plus you get to store and use your personal word list across all your applications, instead of maintaining separate ones on each application. The program installs as a new button in the IE toolbar (as well as a new menu item under "Tools") - after filling in a form, just hit the ieSpell button and it pops up a dialog, similar to the MS Word spell check. ieSpell also works (right-click menu only) on other IE based browsers such as SlimBrowser, CrazyBrowser, MSN, MyIE, etc. ieSpell is not spyware or adware. It's free for personal use only. http://www.iespell.com/ ieSpell v2.5.1 (build 106) released! download here http://www.iespell.com/download.php
Lol, just don't reply to it. I've just logged in after ages, to find that people liKe TO tYpE like ThIS....*shakes head*.
I attended French speaking schools throughout childhood. High school was my first time in an English speaking school and I was kept back in my first year because my English was so poor. I was really pissed but my parents went along with the school. I'm grateful now though but frankly, I still can't spell in English to save my life. Spelling in French and Latin both is so easy; everything is spelt like it sounds but they also both have grammar from hell compared to English.
Thoatih12, edit your sig to conform to forum specs ASAP. 2. An image-only signature should be less than 50kb in size, and be at most 500 pixels wide and 200 pixels tall.
Just to let everyone know I am a Freshman in High School. Let me just give you some statistics of our towns Graduation rate. The Class of 2006 had 352 students enrolled, and only 112 graduated. What dose that tell you right there. The Class of 2005 had 409 students enrolled, and only 184 graduated. Less than 50% of High School students in my area will graduate. That is just sad.
Yeah I agree on this. It really gets annoying when you're trying to help someone and you can't even tell what the hell they're trying to say. One other thing is the instant message type of talk pisses me off too. LOL
Hate to break it to you but "LOL" is instant message type of talk. Oh BRB! LOL! I hate some of the instant message type of talk, the "LOL's" are ok, but when the start abbreviating things that is such a pain in the ass.
Yeah, that was on purpose hehe. But I'm talking about having the whole thing be little purposely mispelled things that you'd find on an instant message or abbreviations constantly used.