Followed instructions on how to convert a dvd to ipod, and after the process was finished, I went to play the file and it was scrambled with mainly green static lines, the sound was there, but the picture was, well, unrecognizeable, it was just scrambled. When I drag the file into my library, the startup image is crystal clear, I can see the 20th century fox image perfectly, but when I play it all hell breaks loose. What can I do? Did I do something wrong?
Used cucusoft, did some more tooling around and found that it works on the ipod, but if I wanna watch the movie on the laptop, the pic is severely scrambled, don't understand. Admitedly I am pretty computer illiterate, but got part of it to work.
I dont even know, I JUST downloaded it today. It just says Cucusoft Ipod Video Converter Suite. It's the trial version, wanted to try things out before committing to buying anything. Do you have any suggestions of different software that is easy for a bumbass such as myself to use? Not that this one is hard but that one problem irritates me.
Ok you have the trial, that is your problem, I would download the full version from a fileshareing place like Limwire... Cucusoft is the best out bro!
I appreciate it. How many versions do they have out? Should I look for any specific version or filename?
Pulled up limewire and there is only one file available that isn't labeled as junk. Long name but basically version 2.0
Not pulling anything up, all the ones marked junk are corrupt, is there somewhere else I can get the full version?
Everything that is coming up is showing up as junk with the trash can icon next to it. Every time I try downloading one, they are corrupt.
Found a couple good ones, but they are RAR files, not even sure what that means, but cannot open them, am trying 2 executable files, hope that works.
Well, that's it, there are no more downloads that are "good" every other one I've tried turns up corrupt. How much does the full version cost?
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