I use rubbing alcohol (low percentage stuff) and a lint free cloth. That helps clean the CD and buff out minor surface scratches.
yes actually I have heard of toothpaste, but never tried it. as long as its not too abrasive it probably won't hurt it, but just to be safe you might want to try it on a CD you won't mind losing first.
Why not make a cd image of the disc first before trying any of these techniques then you won't have to end up paying for a brand new one if it gets completely ruined.
thats the thing, it wouldnt back up without picking up scratches. but ya know what i used the toothpaste and it workerd wonders...picked it up nicely, buffed it out.
http://www.provantage.com/buy-7aler...era-technologies-aleratec-240125-shopping.htm lookey here, 7.33$ wow
I have tried about everything.But if you have a cd that contains valuable content,perhaps something you cant replace - there might still be hope.First youll have to decide which is more important, the data on the disk - or the condition of your drive as alteration of disks will definatley void warranties and possibly break inside the drive.With all taken into consideration,One killer tool to have called BadCopy Pro - by Jufsoft software (www.jufsoft.com).Excellent software that allows data retrievel from a number of damaged media types.To deal with scratched cds an attempt to extract data so it can be burned on a new disk is what we need so, look at two common problems.weazel 200's idea would be best though. Problem: 1.) The reflective backing on the disk torn or worn away. Solution: Spray the back of the cd with Chrome colored spray paint,let dry then run your data recovery program.this usually works if no deep scratches are present. OR you can take tin foil and cut it around the disk and tape it to the disk shiny side down as to reflect the laser.This works too,but takes more determination than the latter. I know both of these to be worthwhile approaches,but in the case of deeply scratched disks it wont do much.
if the cd is scratched on the top than the cd is toast as that is where the info is located not on the bottom
yeah ive never had any with the top scraped off, or have but none i wanted to retrieve this one worked with toothpaste, i just spread the toothapste all around let it dry a bit, and washed it off with water...directly over the cd did the job
i've got 3 quick questions for anyone who used toothpaste to fix minor scratches. what did you use to spread it around the CD? Also, how long did you rub it for? Finally, Did you wash the toothpaste off after, or are you supposed to leave it on?
yeah some toothpaste probably can scratch your cd - i just used i think "colgate" not the gel kind. hahaa. sounds silly but i guess it works, it did get one of my cds that wouldnt backup to backup without any skippin. i just rubbed it on the cd with some tissue all around - let it dry for a bit...and washed it off - directly on it with water. ha
have repaired about 100 cds with toothpaste. after you should wash them very very good. it will work. and BE GENTLE.