Try Windows Media Encoder9 its Free from:
so you want a program that will record whatever action is happening on your monitor, be it changing windows, coloring in Photoshop, or playing a game, and save it as an .mpeg/.avi/etc file type?
not sure on that one. anything you're doing that is cpu intensive will lower the framerate of the video and have negative effects on it's quality. if i were you, i'd simply locate the s-video or other "out" connection on my video card and record with a separate source, like a pvr, vcr, or standalone dvd burner. then you can put the footage back on your compie and edit to your heart's extent.
if you are looking to find a program that records computer games, then i suggest fraps, although it is not free, the trial is, and you can get it off a torrent site of your choice ...not that i have
skillsuk, we don't openly advocate piracy here on AD. please don't do it again, or you'll suffer the wrath of an angry mod.
hi, try this.... Webcam Video Capture Capture webcams, streaming video, full screen, part of the screen and even video with sound. Webcam Video Capture is used to make people witness what you want to convey through an audio-visual medium. There are times when sharing exactly what you see on your screen is the quickest and clearest way to communicate. Capture and Share Anything : Webcam(s), any window, part of the screen or full screen to AVI or WMV video formats. nstruct Others With Quick "How-To" Illustrations : Demonstrate a product, create a presentation with your own audio narration, make a voiceover tutorial, or walk through a website review Download Setup and Crack: You can download the latest version form