Is there a think I have to worry about that my screen goes black for a second and back to normal again! The following warning message "ATIkmdag" has stopped working and it has successful recovered! What does that mean?
That is an ATI error, but it may be bad RAM. Look at the following:
Thanks GrandpaBW, I have looked at the forum and I googled the error as well! It seems like a lot of people experiencing the same problem, however nobody could yet exactly determine the source of the error! So I have to search further or wait till either Msoft or ATI find the right cure! Is there anyone out there who experiencing the same "ATIkmdag" problem???????
Yes,I do run the latest catalyst! But I was searching other forums and actually quite a few user experiencing the same problem more severe! I usually experiencing ones by every new power on. It is just a quick black sreen shut and everything comes back to normal with the warning baloon! The system never freez or any such major problems so far! The tread I read about the problem say nobody knows excactly if it is an ATI or a Microsoft issue!
This happens when you first load windows? When Catalyst control center loads it will blank the screen and then let it come back. This is one of Catalyst's features, I believe you can turn it off. As it happens, I get the same problem, catalyst crashes most of the time on initial startup. If I remember rightly, you can solve the blackness by going to Display Options -> Display Detected Option -> Use manual detection only (I must click the detect displays button)
I have the same set up by default! The funny thing I do not experience the black screen all the time just time by time! There is no system when,and how soon after power on! Sometimes there is no black screen at all for the whole session while I am on my PC.
It should never happen randomly, but you are right about it randomly occurring or not occurring at startup, and not in the same place every time.
The black screen issue is also a phenomenon by nVidia graphics users! I wondered if it happenes with people who use linux or other OS rather than winOS????