Hi, new to forums. (Searched forums, didnt quite find the same problem) Whenever I encode an anime episode with subtitles for watching on DVD on my SDTV the subtitles at the bottom are slightly cut off. Still legible, but it would cut off the very bottom of a "g". Its very annoying. I used the program SUPER with both FF Mpeg and Mencoder at varying resolutions including 720x480, 704x480 352x240 with Aspects 4:3 (Tried TMPGenc too). Original is in 640x480. If I watch the resulting .Vob file on my PC, it looks fine, but when on a TV it cuts out the outer edges. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
Well I looked deeper in the forums and I found many people have this problem, but it seems like its difficult to fix, in that I am too lazy to do whats necessary. Best to just suffer...
Are these external or hardcoded in the file? If External (separate sub file) ConvertXtoDVD will allow you to shift the position/size/color of them.