I have an old server which had novell on it and would like to use it at home with win98. It has 2 SCSI hard drives. I figured out how to reformat the hard drives but how can I set it up to recieve win98? It is a pentium 3 733mhz. Thanks KarloT
You will need the drivers for the SCSI controller before you attempt to install Windows. You should be able to get them from the manufacturers site. ~Rich
I do have a window 98 CD, a Start up floppy disk and CD Rom. There is a SCSI controller with setting I can change. But what do I do with them? KarloT
boot off the win98 bootdisk & select cdrom support. than continue loading 98 as tho was on regular ide hd's. only need the the scsi driver if win98 doesn't correctly see the card properly. my hd's were always scsi til i went ide.
Well, This is the error I get when I try the Win98 CD in: Verify DMI Pool Data..... Boot from ATAPI CD-ROM: Bootable CD not exist....
Maybe your BIOS is not set up to boot from the CDRom first. Go into your BIOS and set/makes sure boot priority is CDROM being first. I think your PC is trying to boot the HDDs and cannot find anything to boot since they are empty.
have you tried the common BIOS access keys? Try pressing F2 or F12 or F10 or DEL when the PC is doing its POST (memeory test)...
Is the bootable disk something different than a win98 CD? Perhaps a restore disk? I don't have one of those. Had Novell on it before.
Gateway's Performance series computers used SCSI PCI controller cards back in the day of the P3/500. However, when I used the full version 98CD to reinstall, it never asked for any SCSI drivers. I believe this was do to how the card was set up in the BIOS. Windows will then just see the drive as a standard IDE.
i was using scsi hd on my 386 on a card computer with win3.1 til k6-2 400 when switched from win95 to 98.
I've even removed that SCSI drive and plugged it into a standard IDE port and installed Windows on it....in fact I am using a SCSI 10gig drive in another system here as a secondary drive along with a 40gig IDE drive on the same channel. I could very well be wrong, but in my experience SCSI drivers were only needed when installing a RAID array.
I made a new boot disk and have the same error messages. Also I actually read what was on the screen and got into the setup and set the startup sequence to CD-ROM,A,C. Still have the same error message. When I have the diskette in it tells me I need to remove it and press enter to continue. Any ideas.
Ok, what happens after you boot? Boot from floppy disk. At the DOS prompt, remove the floppy and (with 98 CD in drive) type in (driveletter):\setup and press enter. 98 should setup should begin. Place SCSI driver floppy in A drive and continue setup. If it asks for a driver, point it to the floppy and choose the driver manually if you can. Then what happens?
Well, I appear to be just where I started. Put in the boot diskette and win98 CD. It says to remove diskettes and press any key to continue. After that it says it does not have a bootable CD. I can't type anything in at any time. Went through the same process with different setups for booting up cumpter. No luck.