
Discussion in 'DVDR' started by souleater, Jan 9, 2004.

  1. souleater

    souleater Guest

    UNfortunately my Question was not Directed to Minion
    an my previous qquestion was about Smart Ripper and
    not DVD Crypter which seems to be more complicated
    to use than smart Ripper. I Asked for Help as A
    Newbie to this software since the Original Software
    syte dosn't offer any help. and I didn't ask for any
    sarcasim from an alternate member. Smart Ripper and
    DVD Crypter are two completely different Programs all
    to gether which require different settings.
  2. ScubaPete

    ScubaPete Senior member

    Mar 13, 2003
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    I stand corrected (standing in the corner taking a "time out").
    I saw minion's extensive post to you and confused it with your earlier post about Decrypter vs. SmartRipper thinking that your question on settings on DeCrypter were much the same. I was having a bad day and I took it out on you. I’m sorry for the confusion and the unwarranted sarcasm heaped upon your poor unsuspecting self.

    You wrote
    I didn't see anywhere in any of your posts that you were looking for feedback from certain people - perhaps I'll have to look more closely.
    At any rate, this forum is about everyone helping everyone else -

    Lastly, to get back to your post as I should have done from the first -

    In my opinion, you should stay where you are - like most programs, they are not exactly the same, Decrypter is built for simplicity and as such has a minimal amount of wriggle room where as SmartRipper is better suited for detailed work i.e. like being able to compile many small files into a single large file as opposed to Decrypter putting many files into a single folder.

    As I say, tis my opinion, I have no extensive experience in the sometimes questionable practice of downloading video files. My expertise is only in the area of backing up those videos that I legally own.

    Hope that has been of some help and that my apologue has been accepted –

    I’ll try the helpful routine first next time, that’s a promise, OK ??

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