I am interested in finding someone's phone number in Finland, Helsinki to be more exact. The problem is, I'm from Canada and they didn't teach us Finnish in school. I was wondering if there are any websites that I could use to do a name search or directories of current phone numbers in Helsinki. Any information pointing me in the right direction is more then welcome. This is the one time google hasn't been my friend. Thank you in advance for taking the time to read this.
No, all directory enquiry sites and services in Finland are fee-based, which is a bummer. But normally all international phone operators -- probably yours as well -- have service called "international directory enquiries" available. Probably if you call your own 411 or whatever it is in Canada and ask them about the international phone number directory service, they can redirect you to the right place. You could also try this: +358 202 05 -- dunno if it works for non-Finnish users, it costs about 2 euros to use, replace the "plus" with 011 when calling from North American / Carribbean phone number system (+1).