i have another fan for my xbox (same as the one thats originaly in the case) and im wondering where to put it to improve the proformance of my box and lower the temp a little? so does any one know where to put an extra fan? any help would be appriciated THANX
If you were going to add any fans,I would tell you to put an intake fan in the front left corner under the dvd drive (a 1"-1.5" fan) this would decrease your temps by about 3-7 degrees celcius. If you do you can leech off the 5v power on controller port 4 if you need to....enjoy.
under the dvd drive is a nice cavity where there aren't any devices or wires. The front left side would be perfect fot a crossflow cooling scheme.....and since the air would flow across both the cpu and gpu.....there's no question that it's a good place. I see some people out there putting a fan on the other side by the psu,which if you ask me is silly. Considering that the cpu will probably overheat way before a psu does,it would make more sense to cool the cpu. Also having a fan that blows over the psu will generaly heat up the air coming into the case,and thus is more likley to heat up the interior. In the end,the front left side is the best place (IMO) for an intake fan,and it's not that hard to instal either. Just mount it to the tin and wire it up. You should be able to find a nice thin 1-2 inch fan for just a few bucks....that would be perfect for this mod. PS-the air will blow under the dvd drive and across the mobo.
oohhh ok i think i gotcha now. so mount the fan verticly on the front left side of the case, blowing air in.....right