How do I block someone from using my internet connection ? Example : I dont want to share internet with my neighbors. In other words, deadspot and no hotspot. Question 2- I'm using laptop for school, will wi fi finder work with my laptop and connect to the internet? the school has highspeed and no security.
For your wireless connection there a couple things you can do. You could disable SSID broadcast, for a simple low level of security so unless people know the name of your network they can't connect. You can also enable WEP, which requires an encrypted key to access the wireless router. This is a great way to not only block people from your router but also deter snooping, although any SERIOUS computer expert has the tools and knowledge to sniff and crack WEP keys. You can also do MAC address filtering, which is probably best if all you need to do is block users from connecting to your access point. All of these features should be available on your wireless router. Question 2: I find that sometimes those gizmo's don't always pick up networks that I can still pick up with my laptop, but typically at the University signal strength is pretty strong so you should be able to.