I have this site i`d like to join , but the username page has a security code number tha has numbers that are sideways and upside down . How do i turn my numbers and letters like the code ? Any help would be great , thanks to all.
I'm not quite sure what you mean, but I think you just enter what's is the security code image into the text box. So for instance, if there is a sideways 4, enter a 4 into the text box... pretty self-explanatory.
A lot of sites use this as a secuity feature. It is susposed to prevent an automated system from entering the site or doing what you actually want to do. It requires human input and changes each time you or someone does an input. Just type the numbers/letters you see. Case Sensitive! A 4 is a 4. An H is an H - not an h. Get it?
you dont hafta type the letters/numbers as they appear ; sideways, upside down. Their just that way to confuse automated scripts and verify your not an automated script. Type the letters/numbers as you normally would. as mentioned earlier - case sensistive! you mess up and you hafta start over, the code changes.