Seeking: A Cat for a Dog Lover

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by anubis66, Jun 2, 2010.

  1. anubis66

    anubis66 Regular member

    Apr 10, 2005
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    Yeah, yeah.. AD is not much of a place for this but its the forum I feel most at home in. I've been interested in finding a breed of cat that, proverbially, has the soul of a dog. Qualities requested include being active, inquisitive, playful, loving, not very shy, loyal, intelligent, etc. Larger size preferred. It would be nice to have a cat that liked to go places, do things, play games, and would enjoy your company together outside the housing, w/ or w/o a leash.

    A brief googling turned up very little other than a Maine Coon and a Ragdoll . These breeds partly fit what I am looking for, but not totally. (the Ragdoll fits more from what I found).

    In the end, I'm basically looking to replace a general dog with a cat. I've lived with dogs too numerous for too long, and although I love them, living with 3-4 in a house with no yard for years has gotten to me. Any help would be great! :D Thanks!
  2. xboxdvl2

    xboxdvl2 Regular member

    Dec 21, 2005
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    a lot about a cat can come from how its raised.cats are playful by nature and if socialized right they can be friendly to mum is a registered cat breader and siamese cats are very playful,not shy, love chasing things and are usually a good cat.orientals are pretty much the same as siamese but are only 1 colour.I use to sit in my mums lounge room playing chasy with an 8month old siamese kitten with my remote control car and it was a lot of fun the kitten would sneak up on the car and tap it with her paw and then i'd chase it with the car and it would hide before sneaking up on the car again for another go at it.not much experience with ragdolls but ive seen my fair share of siamese and cornish rex and balinese and orientals.
  3. KillerBug

    KillerBug Active member

    May 21, 2006
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    In a way, cats are like people. You can get two cats that appear the same, and are treated the same, yet one will be a loving companion and the other will scratch at you and poop on the floor, right next to the litter box.

    Don't buy from a petstore; these people are monsters that torture pets...even if you find the one store that does not fit this description, their supplier is just as bad. Don't think you are saving them from the are only creating a new prison cell for the next innocent animal, and contributing to the store staying open and possibly creating new branches. The humane societies offer a great deal of service for a great price; you could not do these services through a vet for anywhere near what they charge. Even if you don't care about your pet being tortured, go to the humane society to save money.

    Don't choose a cat based on how it looks (other than avoiding ones that appear to be sick). Walk in front of the display...some cats will just lay there, some will hide, some will ignore you, and a couple will come to the glass as if to say, "Here I am, please adopt me" sounds like you want one of those.

    One other thing...avoid breeds. Much like dog breeding, cat breeding results in inbred animals that tend to be dumb as a post, violent, etc...a mut is a better bet.
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2010
  4. xboxdvl2

    xboxdvl2 Regular member

    Dec 21, 2005
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    a registered breader will provide paper work to show what lines the animal is from and usually both the animals parents are vet checked for hereditory diseases.Some that are dodgy will inbreed but the responsible ones won't.a moggy might make an idea pet or be badly least with a pure bred you can check the paper work to make sure its not inbred.a cross breed can be anything from 2 responsible cat owners to a female cat running the streets and getting pregnant from a diseased stray cat.

    edit:bottom line buy from a responsible breeder thats had the cat vet checked,vaccinated,wormed,microchipped(optional) and get a cat thats socialised.
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2010

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