Hi, This is totally of topic but not sure on where else to ask. Recently one of my hard drive had some "slight" ( read major) problems and i have to try and recover what was on it by installing XP onto one of my other hard drives. After some strangeness all is back to sort of normal but i have noticed that whne im on the net (1meg broadband through e7even) i seem to be sending alot of data. for example, I've been connected to the net for 2hrs 30 mins and i have sent over 50meg. Other then general surfing of the net and xp auto update im not running any other programs no p2p sharing nothing. Does anybody know what is going on or a program that i can see where all this is being sent.
no worries; i was asked to help find why someone's wireless broadband link was constantly chattering and we found the culprit via tcpview, it's a fantastic little program