Server 2k3 Usability (Hard/Software)

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by msb5150, Jul 23, 2003.

  1. msb5150

    msb5150 Regular member

    Dec 24, 2002
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    As a preface I am building a new computer and have chosen a processor with hyperthreading capability, the problem with that is I really prefer to use win2k, 2k does not support hyperthreading, distraught upon this subject I filled out a request for the 180 day trial of Windows Server 2003 Enterprise edition with the intention of using it as my OS, I have already found the guides to make server 2k3 more like a workstation and now I have yet only one more question: Are there any problems with hardware or software with server 2k3, I would I be able to use office and photoshop and dvddecrypter or use any video card I choose?
    I realize that the question is sort of long and the overall post may be somewhat confusing so I greatly appreciate any responces(aside from those telling me only to just use xp; for using xp is my plan C, and A and B look much more favorable to me right now)
    Again thank you all in advance for replying
  2. vurbal

    vurbal Administrator Staff Member

    Nov 30, 2002
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    The biggest issue with any server version of Windows comes up when you put utility software on like Norton Systemworks or antivirus software. Generally speaking if you want to run any of this software you will need to get a server version which will be much more expensive. You may also find that a piece of hardware that claims compatibillity with 2k3 but isn't because they are relying on XP drivers. I remember shortly after it came out a fellow instructor at the community college where I teach brought in a brand new keychain drive that claimed compatibility with 2k3. Supposedly 2k, XP, and 2k3 all had drivers for it already. It worked fine in 2k and XP but 2k3 didn't recognize it and the manufacturer didn't have a driver available.

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