I've bought a PCI network card and installed it in my pc, this pc has a network adaptor but no network card. I bought a USB WiFi adaptor and installed the driver on my brothers pc, this has a network card and is connected to the net via an external USB Modem, I think its Motorola. I eventually got the pcs linked after a lot of messing around (I'm not experienced in networking) but still couldn't get the net to run on my pc. The last step I took was to bridge my Lan and Wireless networks together and create a new connection. (I read that each connection needs its own network card if the net is supplied through an external modem). I figured that the data would be sent therough the wireless adaptor and be decoded/encoded by the network card (as they are bridged). The ne tries to load but fails. Is this because I don't have a network card, just the nework adaptor, or am I talking bull. Sorry if this post doesn't make any sense I'm a newbie to networking.
You cant do what you are trying to do :-( well you could but it is difficult to set up and doesn't work very good. I know what you are trying to do but it isnt easy... (unless he is running a server) What you need is a wireless Router hooked up to your brothers modem.. Then he can simply plug his computer into the router and you can use the adapter to connect to the router.. Edited: I said you couldn't when you can, but it just isn't really easy for the average user
It didn't really makes sense to me. might want to check this out: http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/using/networking/expert/bowman_02april08.mspx
Well you could do it the way that is described in the link, but it is a little difficult and you would still need a wireless card for your brothers computer. So why not just get the wireless router instead? You will be running faster because you wont be sharing a line, you will be protected much better (routers have built in firewalls) and you will be able to hook up many more computers later.
is the purpose to share info, get on the net or both?? if it is the motorola sb5100, it has both usb & net cable connections on it. the network adapter on your pc is a netcard probably built into the motherboard. why did you buy a wifi card if you don't have a wireless router?? can do is change your brother's cable from pc to modem from a net cable to an usb cable than run a net cable from your pc to the cable modem
I bought a wireless network card cause I was under the impression that if I networked two computers vai WiFi, i could 'stream' the net over this network. I didn't realise I needed a router, I was just looking for a cheap option to get my little sister online without wires trailing around my mothers house. Thanks for the replies by the way
eiamhere check this router out http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16833127143 Only $20 you cant beat that, and a router is a good thig to have even if you don't have a network setup (security). Thats a wireless router and it is even the newest 802.11 b/g (speed) and its wireless so no cabels going all over the house
That looks great, but I'm in the UK, any idea where I stand with this. Can I still get a rebate and do I pay VAT on the $45? Thanks Ed
You should be able to find something close to that over there or from a website over there.. I am not sure how or if newegg ships overseas or not? I am sure there is someplace over there that can come close though.. Might think about starting another thread about that? Maybe where to get PC parts in the UK?? Cheers
Thanks for all your help. Can I ask you one more question before this thread comes to an end? Even with a router can I still use a USB WiFi adaptor to access the net or do I need a WiFi network card?
The USB WiFi is essentially the same thing as a Wifi card so there is no need for the card you already have the USB Wifi.. They both serve the same purpose
Thanks, that probably sounded stupid. I was sure I read that USB adaptors could transfer the internet. I must've been confused again.