Hey all, Been searching on the net for a couple of days, but maybe a couple of you all can help me. I am looking to create something like this: ftp://ftp.ftpplanet.com/ Now, I got FileZilla, and I once had a free ftp server site, but I can't really remember how I did it. If anyone can help out, it would be great. I am just looking to store sets of pics on it and just some general information. Thanks!
Well, firstly, you need an FTP server. ONce you have one of them, you need to set it up in your FTP client. Once you ahve set it up in your FTP client, the rest is easy... create folders etc and upload your files using the client. Here is a guide... http://filezilla.sourceforge.net/documentation/quickguide.htm If you're looking for a free FTP server then here's a good place to start. Here. It's pretty simple; heck, even I got my head round it ;-) Does that help?
Ripper, Thanks SO DAMN MUCH...!!! This is exactly what I need. Now I can finish my work. Again, thanks for the help, now I can stop racking my brain on it. V