First off, Thanks in advance Second I recently got a new laptop, it got sent to my school and the school admin had it for a week claiming he didnt know it was for me, but anyway i went to see him, he said he needed to put office on it for me. I am perfectly capable of installing office myself. My School runs a RM Network (all the people with laptops can run rings round it!)We also have Securus on the network. So thats the background sorted, now for the Problem bit whilst running a registry search for w32.serflog and generally cleaning it up, i found these keys HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\RESEARCH MACHINES\PMSMONITORS HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\RESEARCH MACHINES\PMSMONITORS\usermonitor HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\RESEARCH MACHINES\PMSMONITORS\processmonitor HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\RESEARCH MACHINES\PMSMONITORS\stationactivitymonitor To anyone: Do you know what these are? Can i delete them without being banned from the network? I just dont like the idea, (seen as i use the laptop at home) of my activities being monitored, or will it only monitor them when I am connected to the network? Sorry for the long post, but i need to try and figure out if I can confront the school admin for invasion of privacy or something! I dont mind if it can only monitor me when i am in school Lastly, What is EISA Configuration a partition exists on my hdd called PQSERVICE (EISA CONFIGURATION) Thanks again Sorry if I bored you!