Discussion in 'Xbox - General discussion' started by soto487, Dec 1, 2003.

  1. soto487

    soto487 Guest

    k i downloaded slayers auto installer and team xaviers installer(multidashboards) burned it to a cd-rw as a udf/iso cd. My xbox has a new hard drive 80gig that is not working i just put it in..... i turn it on i get error message 16(needs service)...i put the cd in and reboot immediatly...then message comes on then nothing happens whats wrong people please help me!
  2. Grimsuk

    Grimsuk Member

    Feb 26, 2003
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    What exactly did you do? Also what kinda hardrive are you using? Some hardrives have to be formatted before you can use them! Seagate has to along with several others, Maxtor comes preformated. So running a maxtor you can just change drives and then put in slayers disc and then go from there.
  3. GetModded

    GetModded Guest

    If you have an Xecuter bios on the chip then this is probably the problem. The X2 bios files skip the DVD drive at start up and go straight to the harddrive for the dashboard. Blank harddrive = error 16 (couldn't find a dash to load)
    Also check to make sure the jumper setting on the harddrive is set to Cable Select.


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