Shockwave Player 10 Install Problems...Help Please

Discussion in 'Windows - General discussion' started by 1Tizz, Dec 4, 2006.

  1. 1Tizz

    1Tizz Regular member

    Jun 9, 2006
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    I am having problems with downloading Shockwave Player 10, when I go to Adobe to Install Shockwave after I click "Install" nothing ever happens and I can't get any Help from Adobe at all. Without Shockave I can't play any of my favorite games and it really sucks.

    I have IE and I have even tried Firfox and that doesn't help either. Does anyone here have any idea's how to fix this problem or is there another site other then Adobe were you can download the Shockwave Player 10??

    This is so frustrating.
    Thank You
  2. tmr250z

    tmr250z Guest

    Here's great alternate site for Shockwave Player:

    As for why you can't download it from the official Adobe site, well do have java installed and enabled? Or maybe your security settings for IE are set too high?
  3. 1Tizz

    1Tizz Regular member

    Jun 9, 2006
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    Yes I have Java and its Enabled as far as I can tell. I see the little Java Cup on the bottom of my toolbar. Ive also just used the Adobe Uninstaller so I hope that helps.

    I will try the site you posted and see if that works.

    Thank You
  4. 1Tizz

    1Tizz Regular member

    Jun 9, 2006
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    Ok ive used the link you provided and after doing that I went to Adobe's test page to see if it works. For my Flash Player I see the image on the Adobe Test page but for the Shockwave Player all I see is a white box so something still isn't right.

    I wish Adobe would get there act together, this is really making me mad. Any more suggestions?

    Thank you
  5. tmr250z

    tmr250z Guest

    Yeah, this is a big problem with Adobe. My problem was with the flash player. On some sites, in both Firefox and IE, it said I had to download the latest version of flash player in order for the site to work properly. But I already had the latest version of flash player installed, so I downgraded all the way back to v8 r22 for the sites to work properly. Maybe it's the same deal with Shockwave player, by downgrading to a version that will work properly in your browser, but I don't know which version that would be. I used the old version of flash player after reading a thread about someone else having the same problem.

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