Shoot me now!!!!

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by riz513ca, Nov 22, 2003.

  1. riz513ca

    riz513ca Member

    Nov 22, 2003
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    I apologize to everyone for throwing this question in here but I'm pretty much at the end of my rope in my attempts to learn how to burn downloaded clips (mpeg/avi/asf/etc) to a DVD. I've searched the site for sometime now but the amount of information is overwhelming! I've got a number of programs on my pc (dvd decrypter, dvd2avi, DVD Maestro, TMPGEnc, TMPGEnc DVD Author, Info Edit, Smartripper, DVD X Copy and Nero 6 Ultra) but for the life of me have had no success. From what I can tell, I need to use TMPGEnc first do sumthin ( I ran a downloaded mpeg through there and got a m2v file and a wav file) then TMPGEnc Dvd Author to do sumthin else (not sure what) and then Nero to burn that sumthin. The end result, when I try to burn a dvd video in Nero, are errors stating the video_ts.ifo and bup files are not present. I'm guessing I'm missing some step in between. Just hoping there is someone who will take pity on a poor fool and point me in a direction or, better yet, walk a dummy through it!

  2. Fatboy_

    Fatboy_ Member

    Jun 16, 2003
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    What a pickle you're in...

    You have everything you need right there but all you need really are the 2 tmp programs and nero to burn d/loaded clips

    If the file is mpeg already you probably don't need to run it through tmpgenc...You need to create the .vob .ifo files for the dvd so load it into dvd author, don't worry about adding chapters and the like, just select a directory for the outputted .vob and hit start..

    Once you have the .vob .ifo open up nero and select dvd the video ts folder and drasg all the .vob .ifo .bup into there and hit burn

    there is a guide on this site for this so it's probably best to follow this to the letter for making dvd's out of avi's ect
  3. riz513ca

    riz513ca Member

    Nov 22, 2003
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    Hi Fatboy!
    Just wanted to throw out a thank you! The guide you provided did give me some tips and I was able to burn a dvd from mpeg. Sound quality sucked tho so I guess I'll have to do some more searching. I used tmp to encode the mpeg which separated it into two files then ran it through infoedit which made all that vob, iso, ifo stuff. Then I was able to burn it on nero. Of course I was only successful once and haven't been able to do it again! Anyway, thanks again for the advice and feel free to drop more hints if you've got the time. If not, no worries!
    Thanks man!

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