Hi all, First of all let me express my gratitude for this site. I think it is so cool to have all this info at my finger tips..now if I could just figure out where to start Id be in good shape. I guess I should have asked first, what is latest and greatest method of converting avi to DVD? Perhaps the software I am using is not the best for what I am trying to do? what I'm trying to do is take downloaded movies, or video clips and burn them to view in a DVD player for a TV. In its simplest description what I want to learn is how to do is take something that I can watch on my PC and burn it so I may view it on my TV. I realize people have different preferences for software but if those reading this would tell me at least if I have the right group of software I would appreciate it. My first attempt to convert an avi movie to DVD was partially a success I guess. What happened was I used Nero to burn it to a disk and it worked but only to play in my PC DVD. So then I made a COPY of it in clone DVD and this copy works in my DVD player for the TV. I have NO idea why one worked but the next one did not. Relating to my movies I have: `Nero 7 premium `Any DVD and Clone DVD `Power ISO `AL zip `Damn info In responding please keep in mind that I have a very general idea of what I am TRYING to do but thats it. Thanks again P.S. I have read a lot of the info on the site I'm just confused I guess. Thanks again