Should I or Should I not

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware mods' started by Kozydog07, Jan 26, 2006.

  1. Kozydog07

    Kozydog07 Member

    Jan 19, 2006
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    Hello. I have recently decided to purchase a modchip. The problem is which one. I have had my eye on a cheap solderless Spider Chip v1.1 or a Duox2. If anyone out there has an idea or any comments please let me know. Private message me or simply leave a comment.

    Thank you,
    Kozy Kat Killer
  2. Kozydog07

    Kozydog07 Member

    Jan 19, 2006
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    By the way my Xbox is a version 1.4.
  3. Kozydog07

    Kozydog07 Member

    Jan 19, 2006
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    Well it would be nice to get a massive amount of people to respond
  4. Kozydog07

    Kozydog07 Member

    Jan 19, 2006
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    [bold]God help me[/bold]
  5. Kozydog07

    Kozydog07 Member

    Jan 19, 2006
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    I just recently noticed a Spiderchip v1.1 with Programmer. What is so special about the [bold]Programmer[/bold]
  6. d_enima

    d_enima Guest

    I just bought a spiderchip 1.1 with programmer, now I should get it tommorow in the mail and i'll be installing it in a 1.6B from what i've read (wish I read the forums earlier) the spider chip programmer doesn't work, and the chip itself sucks.

    We shall see, I really hope I can post up and prove the others wrong and say that the spiderchip is more than just a nice case to put stuff in.....
  7. d_enima

    d_enima Guest

    The spider chip is a pile of steaming crap! SO IS THE PROGRAMMER!

  8. FTWOvrk1l

    FTWOvrk1l Member

    Feb 4, 2006
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    i have both a softmodded xbox, and a hardmodded xbox. in my experiences, softmodding is the way to go, because hardmodding takes alot of time, and you have to know generally what you're doing if you don't want to mess anything up. but if you're hellbent on getting a decent mod chip, go with something around the $80 range (anything cheaper is pretty much garbage), such as the Xenium SP.ICE mod chip. that's the one i have, it's solderless, and its about as painless to install as it's going to get. if you want to know how to soft mod, just ask and i'll tell you.
  9. MrSatan

    MrSatan Member

    Jan 29, 2006
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    dis guy offered to mod my xbox for 130. just for him to put in the chip nothing more. no hd no emulators nothing more than the chip. ijust wanna burn xbox games off the net onto a blank dvd disc.
    my questions are:

    is he charging me too much?(i know hes throwin in an installation fee but if i were a friend hed do it for free)


    can i play games burnd onto a blank dvd with just a mod chip(no hd or other stuff)?if so whats the cheapest chip out there dat allows u to do this?

    thanks for the help!!!
  10. cearel

    cearel Guest

    has anyone had a xecuter 3 ce? thats what i have ordered and i was wondering if it is any good
  11. Stewage75

    Stewage75 Member

    Feb 7, 2006
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    My opinion is this, Xenium SP ice, or now it's the Xenium Gold. I've used these a few times and they work awesome. My friend has the Xecuter3 and he really liked it as well but it seamed just a bit more complicated to install and flash, I just used the USB on mine, easy as pie. I have done a couple installs with the spider chip, both the 1.0 and the GX and found them EXTREMELY difficult to work with, they don't line up well with the LPC and the wires are very flimsy. Also 130 bucks just to install a modchip and nothing else is too much, the chips are only about 50-70 bucks for the good ones and they only take about 15 minutes to install. Just read up and do it yourself, I do stress that you READ though.
  12. cearel

    cearel Guest

    yea i can solder and all that. well the chip is already ordered should be here today ill tell you guys how it goes
  13. knizzle

    knizzle Guest

    To answer kozydogs question, my suggestion is something simpler than those, the spider chip or duox. I have a xenium ice and i have no problem with it, the people on TeamXodus website(manufactueres of the cip) are exteremly helpful if you have any problems. Some people might say its a noob chip, well they are right for the most part but id rather have a noob chip that works than a difficult chip that is more complicated and not understandable.

    Now to answer MRSatans question, 130 for the installation, im assuming thats with the mod chip included which is 80 for a good one. 130 can be too expenisive if the chip he gets is a piece of garbage 30 dollar chip. Now i dont know your relationship with this guy, is he a friend or just some guy? I know if a frined asked me id do it for like 25 bucks, and if i dont know him like 40. I wouldnt expect him to throw in an hdd because those can run 100 dollars for a good one. Now as far as dling games off the net, i dont know if that is possible being that most games at 2+ gb at the least. But u can certainly copy dvd's and it is quite simple.
  14. cearel

    cearel Guest

    spider chips are evil everyone that has had one has some bad storys

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